Monday, 10 October 2016

What inspired me...

I'm back !! :D. I'd resigned from Stampin' Up! about 1 year ago, hung up my apron, and slowly went into recess, read that as mulling around, feeling I lost something or like some part of me had vanished.

I didn't realise how much I missed teaching techniques in classes, and crafting with friends until I was inspired to create some things for the Cairns Ballroom Dancers Club; because I'm on the committee....and have a lot of craft products and tools, I went into overdrive and with help from others on the Committee, we had  fun, creating & crafting. The time between the Theme dance and the Annual Ball was about 6 weeks, which meant we were creating for at least two weeks before the Theme dance and up to the wonder my inspiration to have classes returned.

This "Movie" Embossing Folder was sourced from elsewhere as with the "Film Strip" die, they worked a treat for this folder we used as the dance program holder. Sorry that the quality of photo isn't up to scratch, it's from my phone and usually not too bad, but having to crop and save it got a bit distorted in the process, can you tell I'm not really IT savy :(

This was for the Movie Theme Dance we organised. 

My husband and I went as Bert and Mary Poppins. We sourced some of our costumes from op shops and created the rest; He made his chimney sweep, and I made my brolly attachment...., put together my hat, and made his 'tie'. Duncan's cap was from Lowes. It was really a fun night. 

The carpet bag is mine, [a prize from my Tupperware days]

Check out the parrot on the brolly!!!

I had a picture of what the parrot looked like and tried to copy that, if you don't compare my effort to the picture, it looks ok, .... I guess?

You can look it up for yourself if you have a mind to do so :D

search 'Mary Poppins brolly' ... have fun.

I made this Parrot using Stampin' Up! product "Simply Pressed Clay",  I think is retired now??? the fun part was painting it, don't look too closely at the painting though, hahahaha.

I put the brolly hook over a chair on the patio & while we were waiting to leave,for the dance however,  we had an unexpected visit from a friend;  he accidentally pushed the chair where the brolly was .... so the reason the parrot has a squished beak is, that's where it fell, and it hadn't properly dried, poor birdy, broken beak....well, at least it didn't break off completely...I was grateful for that...

I used a teaspoon to create the "feathers" on the back of the head, tho you really can't tell in these photos.

I secured the parrot to the brolly handle with black Duct Tape.

My disappointment was that no one commented on THAT bird, and I'd spent a lot of time creating it, [I had fun doing it though,  and maybe they didn't know it was hand crafted; AND, I suppose, not all people are children at heart and watch Disney Movies, then know all there is to know about the characters !!!]

Ballroom dancing is for fun and fitness, keeps the ole grey matter working, as well as the muscles, and we get to meet some really lovely people in the process. 

next time I'll share what we created for the Annual Ball - "Dancing under the Stars"

 take care

and remember
when life gets too busy
make something!


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